
Want To Know...

How-why-what-where-and when journaling can help you be more aware and capture the Joy? Please join with me today by adding any ideas or questions you may have so we can prepare and begin a new journaling journey together!


  1. I am having fun finishing up my year by rereading all my 2009 journaling and getting ready for a New Year. I always learn so much, and discover many new journaling assignments for myself. So...I look forward to begin this new blog together!

    So...if you are experiencing any of these feelings or thoughts about yourself I say... Just Journal!

  2. I want to commit to keeping a daily log, so I'm telling you!

  3. Hi Barbara, Committing to writing every day "works". Feel free to ask me any questions if you get stuck or want a writing assignment or...!

  4. Joyce, I seem to write the same thing over and over, any suggestions to help me be more creative with my daily logging?

  5. Every morning I ask a question that I would like to have an answer for. Then I pull an angel card and ask those angels to help me "find" my answers. I love this habit because I am not attached to having any insights right away, and embrace the concept of "divine timing"!

  6. Tell me why keeping a daily log will benefit me?

  7. My first response is that... it will wake you up! You will begin to examine your daily activities and experiences. This will very likely invite you to live the life you want to be living.

  8. A NEW IDEA---Open up your journal to a blank page and copy this quote. "“If you've lost focus, just sit down and be still. Take the idea and rock it to and fro. Keep some of it and throw some away and it will renew itself. You need do no more.” Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Now think about what this says to you and add it into your writing for the day.

  9. Yesterday I did copy the quote in my journal. I realized I have really lost my focus, so today I am making a list of what I want to focus on. Thanks, Joyce

  10. If you want to practice having a conversation in your journal I just posted this question: What relaxes me and why?

    (This question would be a fun one to have a conversation with You the relaxed person, and You the un-relaxed person. As with all conversations, remember not to edit and give yourself permission to be playful.)...Check it out at http://journalingforjoywithjoycechapman.blogspot.com/

  11. Well the good news is I did this..and the bad news is I am not doing things that relax me. So any ideas for my next writing?

  12. Hi! Make a list of what you do, and want to do, to relax. Then reread and put these "things" on your schedule.

  13. I do write every day..and often I like to get an idea from a quote that may inspire me to write something a little different than I normally would. So with in mind I pulled this quote out "The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."~Tom Clancy. So now I'm going to write some fiction, today! :)

  14. I have been having the same nighttime dreams over and over. Is there a journaling technique to help me understand the messages or why I'm having them?

  15. I have lots of ideas and start off with this one... Have a conversation with the people,places and things that are "showing up" and ask them some questions. (Remember to allow yourself to be playful and open to any new messages. Then reread and see if you have some more journaling you want to do.)

  16. Ok what I found out is I still have a lot of anger about a person that keeps being in my dreams. Any ideas?

  17. Hi Joyce,
    My friend from my dream circle has a big dream of writing a book. She is afraid to even begin thinking about it. Any ideas of how to start freeing her creative juices?
    Thanks, Ari

  18. Hi! This is such a fun question for me to answer...mostly because I have lots of ideas. The first one is, tell her to write a letter to someone to tell why this is a dream of hers. Then suggest she reread the letter and either send or keep for herself, in her journal. After she does this write and ask me for a “next assignment”!

  19. I have been keeping a log to record my thinking. NOT liking what I'm learning. Any tips?

  20. Hi! One on the easiest way to "reprogram" is to make a list of what you want to be thinking. Then reread and see what you may want to do, to change. Of course ask me for more ideas, too!

  21. I had the strangest dream last night.How do you get the messages from your dreams,Joyce?

  22. My very favorite first step is to title my dream. This usually gives me some new insights, and then I journal about what I think my dream is "telling" me.

  23. I did title my dream last night(Time To Open a New Door) And now I have lots more to write about!

  24. I need to let go of a past memory. Can you give me some writing ideas?

  25. First make a list of what you are ready to let go of. Then read this list and circle one memory you want to begin with. Take as long as you need and write to me here, or send me an e-mail, and ask for a "next step assignment".

  26. I get your weekly tips and I just want you to know that they always are inspiring for me. Today's tip and this week logging ideas are waking me up! thanks

  27. I just allowed myself to write down some thoughts that seemed to be floating around in my head. I am glad to have them on paper now.

  28. I just found this blog and started with your first tip. Now I have a question, I am not sure why I want to journal. Can you give me something to help spark my imagination?

  29. Think about something that you want to further examine, then as ideas start coming to you make a list. Allow yourself a week or so to gather up this information. When you have your list write to me again and I'll give you a next "assignment" (Oh don't edit write anything and everything!)

  30. When I read the tip for April,I thought OK I do want to write my Life Story. So I am going to write to Joyce and tell her I am going to start and make my list.

  31. I read your tip and I'm excited to really start to write My Life Story.I cannot believe how the memories are coming to me.

  32. Hi Lucille and Janice! I love reading messages like these,thank you!Please feel free to ask me anything! (Either here or email me.)

  33. I keep thinking about journaling and almost never do. What can I do, to get myself to make time to journal?

  34. When I first started journaling I invited some of my friends to join me each week to journal. We met every Thursday night in my living room. We all quickly knew this was a habit we wanted to add to our schedules! So if you have my Journaling For Joy book read chapter Nine and start a group of your own! I can promise you will be glad your did! (If you don't have...order today! www.joycechapman.com )

  35. Just wanted to tell someone I've been making lists of what I want to make in my journal and have 13 already!

  36. On of my favorite lists to suggest is..make a list of... What Brings You Joy!

  37. I made a Joy list and guess what i need to do what brings me joy! Thanks.

  38. I just found this blog and I am now going to try some of the ideas you have posted. Thank you!

  39. Hi! I am loving having conversations in my journal! I just made a list of people I want to talk to...so I'd better get busy. Thanks!

  40. Have fun Angie...and be sure to ask me any new questions if you want. (Either here or e-mail me!)

  41. I know I should use my journal to release the past hurts. So today I'm committing to starting the releasing and btw I love the S.M.Kidd quote you used about forgiving/forgetting!

  42. Hello Anonymous..here's another great quote to copy into your journal, as you embrace the learning from your past! "The desire to forget the past---is a form of suicide." Richard Bode

  43. I just got your book and when I started to read it I realized all these years I've been jourmaling about the same things over and over again. Now you are inviting me to journal for joy. Wow!

  44. I just wrote in my journal about the fun radio interview I had last night. I am still energized by the experience. I know that when I reread this journal entry... I will remember the joy!

  45. Just had to tell you I had a conversation with anger that gave me such relief. I am renewed. Thanks

  46. Can you help me get started learning how to have a conversation in my journal?

  47. Here's one way...Title your conversation "Hello, depression---Come out and talk with me." Then have a talk with You(David) and Depression.

  48. Please tell me the best way to give myself feedback.

  49. Hi Pam! I always encourage journalers to reread their journaling and give themselves feedback. It's really quite simple reread whatever you have written and ask your self questions like: What did I learn? Is there a new assignment from this journaling that I now want to do? What did I just learn,discover and/or rediscover. Do I want to add a new voice to my conversations? And many more! (You will be well on your way to becoming your own journal coach!)

  50. How do I know what questions to ask myself?

  51. A very easy way to begin this journaling habit is to make a list of questions you find you are asking yourelf often. Write them down and then reread and begin to find ways that you will discover your answers. (Now sometimes you will be telling yourself to get some counseling or coaching.) Remember you can ask me more here,too.

  52. Hi! I listened to the Teleseminar last Thursday and I'd like to listen again. Is there a link I can go to?

  53. Yes there is http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=16465584 THANKS for asking!
